I stumbled upon (forgive the pun/linking opp) Wordle by accident in June when I was thinking about a birthday gift for Gramps who was about to be eighty-nine. What do you get a guy who's eighty-nine, has lived the life of at least two or three people, full-tilt, balls to the wall, never wasted a moment and not in need of anything? I wanted it to be something meaningful since I am his only granddaughter. I finally got it. I would write him a poem. Then, sitting on the plane from PHL to LAX I thought, hey, what if I could make a collage of words, 89 words/things about George for his 89th birthday? Viola!
The day before his party (I work best under tight deadlines), sitting with my cousin at the computer, I explained my idea. I was thinking I could create it maybe using a text box or boxes in a Word document (no laughing!) and quickly realized it would not be easy. So we start searching. First we Googled "word mashup" with no luck, then tried "word collage" and there it was that cute little Wordle logo beckoning us to check it out.
Sadly, I did not publish the Wordle I made for Gramps, but I did take a picture of it.

Fun, right? How could I have never known about this cool tool! Did I mention it is also free? It's free. All you have to do is download Java Script, also free. Very simple.
SO - because I am never satisfied with my Twitter background, I decided to see if I could make one using Wordle. I searched and found others who have done it (although they make it sound a lot easier than it has been for me, the technicalogically challenged). My only issue has been figuring out how to save it as a jpeg to be able to upload it as an image. I think I have finally done it by copying and pasting the html code here.
Here's where I need help! Stinks that it doesn't appear larger. If you click on it, you will see it full size... now need to go figure out how to take a screen shot and resize in Paint? Oy - getting frustrated, not giving up. Tips welcome.
Before I sign off for today, I must say RIP George "Gramps" "Doc" "Doc Shah" Dordigan (Shahanian to many) June 29, 1922 - July 23, 2011. Your story is for another day...