In what John calls "one of the biggest moments of my life" his book "Wish List" has just come out in mass-market paperback. I picked up my copy at Barnes & Noble ($4.99) and you can also find it at WalMart ($3.47) among other places.
Giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "be careful what you wish for", Wish List is a page turner right out of the gate. It's an insanely paced, wild, creepy, thrill ride with a dash of -if that wasn't so weird it would be funny- thrown in. Buddy Pancake and friends make a few innocent (or not so) wishes on the Wish List website and the rest is history. Lucky for Buddy he's got Donovan Creed's number...
John recently teamed up with Simon & Schuster for what will likely prove to be a history-making relationship and change the future of publishing. This is exciting and inspiring news for the world of self-published authors. Before you go thinking Mr. Locke sold out, he recently set the record straight on saying in part:
"From the day I completed my first novel I believed a bridge could be built between indie authors and traditional publishers, a bridge that would lead to retail outlets and newspaper book reviews. Thanks to Simon & Schuster, a forward-thinking company that understands the power, mindset, and value of indie authors, it’s about to happen.
I believe there will eventually be several lanes of traffic crossing this bridge into retail sales, and each lane will have their own risk-reward toll booths. In the lane I’ve chosen, Simon & Schuster did not pay me for distribution rights. The way it works, they receive a fee to distribute my books under my imprint, John Locke Books. That sounds stark, but here’s the kicker: S&S has gone out of their way to help me succeed in this endeavor. They’ve provided sales and marketing, accounting and tracking services, valuable advice and insight, and they’re overseeing all facets of production from printing to warehousing to shipping, and more.
I retain all rights to my books and ebooks. Let me say that again: I retain all rights to my books and S&S is helping me reach an audience I would never be able to reach on my own. To my knowledge, this type of arrangement has never been done before, but if it works, I expect some form of what we’re doing to become commonplace."
I believe! Let's flex our Social Media muscles and help spread the word for this exceptionally talented author.
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