Bless my Mama and pass me some pancakes, there has been a LOT of behind the scenes speculations about just exactly what the dillio might be with Homemade Millionaire, Milojo et al. Frankly, I am on the brink of over-analysis paralysis myself and I am not even on the show!
Couple of things that many of us have been noticing, and this first one might not seem like a big deal until you ask yourself the question: What if it were me and my business? So, without further ado ~
Five days ago, I politely brought it to the attention of the kind folks at The Learning Channel (which makes this slightly ironic come to think of it) that in their sneak peek video for this week they have Haris Lender and her company, LUV-A-CUVA spelled wrong (Harris Lender, Lova-Cova). They thanked me kindly and said how appreciative they were that I brought it to their attention. While I am sure that the person who sent me that message was, in fact, appreciative, the message has gotten lost somewhere down The Learning Channel pipeline never seeming to have reached the person whose job it is to edit their website. As of right now (I just double checked to save myself the taste of foot in mouth) 6:38 p.m. EST, still not changed.
I also had a very nice conversation with a trusted source at Milojo, who assured me they had also been in touch with TLC's publicity people to fix the very same issue and that they would reach out again. It feels like the folks at Kelly Ripa's production company, Milojo seem to genuinely care - at this point I am not so sure about TLC. I mean, they're The LEARNING Channel after all. I guess I have it in my head that tv networks employ the best and brightest and don't understand how many minutes it could possibly take for someone to fix this. Anywhoo - next!
We have also been wondering why Milojo had disappeared from Google! There was deep sucking in of breath and the rumblings of no hope for a Season 2 if Milojo has disappeared! Not to worry - Milojo is right here, chugging happily along and also very happy to know that they've got an SEO issue to deal with.
We wondered why, on the Monday morning after the premier of Homemade Millionaire, when Regis asked Kelly what she did over the weekend there was no talk of it whatsoever! What?! How could this possibly be? What does it mean? Why would she not be talking about how exciting it was to crown the first winner Marcy McKenna and her Styling Station?
My sweet source patiently explained to me that the Live Show that aired Monday, November 22 was taped previously because the Regis and Kelly folks were out taping in Las Vegas - mystery solved.
Many of us are still wondering why this show seems to be under publicized. I wanted to ask my source about this as well, but alas, time ran out. Maybe someone out there in tv land can shed some light.
Lot's of other interesting rumblings going on over at ProductX, but I'm hoping to get some conversations started here as well, so I hope you'll feel free to comment and share your own insights.
Looking forward to what I am predicting will be a VERY exciting show this Friday! Stay tuned for a preview...
And in case you're wondering, this is what I look like at approximately 6:15 a.m.
As always - thank you for reading! So many interesting people out there to connect with!
Milojo also has a FB page you can join.
ReplyDeleteYou look great for 6 am! dom
ReplyDeleteYou are fab at 6AM! Great post!
ReplyDeleteFirst look fab for 6:00 am!!
Great post!! I love how connected you are!! :)
Thanks for all the great info on Homemade Millionaire. I'm glad to know Milojo is still alive and well.
Looking forward to another Friday night HM tweet up party-hope we make some new friends/followers. :)
BTW-thanks for all your help with my press release. I think it's what got us on the news....Martha is next-WHOO-HOO!!
Chat soon.
Cannot believe Harris made it to the show! Hubby and I spent much time with her and her husband at casting... I can remember how excited she was when both Kelly and Mark came over to speak with her and Mark said "This could save our marriage!" Harris was beyond shaking with joy as we all would be. They were very down to earth and it didn't look like she really invested too much at the time. It's amazing how her and my friend that same day both made it to the show. Hmmmm... maybe they just haven't called me yet??? NOT! Oh well, thanks for the recap Jen - Good luck Harris!
ReplyDeleteThanks runningbetty! We all "Like" the FB page (which doesn't seem to be too active on the Milojo side), but got worried when we couldn't find the company website.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the kind words about this silly pic :) Whatcha see is whatcha get.
ROBERTA! Holy Martha! Please let us know when you find out. Always happy to help a sister out! Everything is crossed!
Marianne! I didn't realize you knew Haris from the casting - how COOL! Kelly REALLY LUVS Luv-A-Cuva and I can't wait to see what happens Friday night. I am hoping that Season 2 will bring lots of the rest of you a shot at HSN, but have to say that I think you all are also doing great things all on your own!
Gotta run, if you need me, I'll be on my hamster wheel!
Kudos to the photographer!
ReplyDeleteJen, you are a hoot to read!! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the latest from you. I decided to take a break from a particularly boring project here at the office and - lo and behold - I cracked up immediately at the photo -and had to do a double-take, in fact! You are tops!! I'm SO glad I have your blog and Tracy's to turn to when the tedious work seems almost unbearable! Today I was richly rewarded when checking in here! Just wanted to add that my daughter's friend, Corina Elgart, is competing on the new Cake Boss show on TLC - it started yesterday and is on Mondays at 9. Anyway, while watching last night, I noticed several promos for HM. Perhaps they are now forging ahead with more publicity for the show? Anyway, looking forward to Friday for sure. And thanks so much for the laughs today! Ginny
ReplyDeleteThanks Mark! Photog credits to Sydney Cannon, 5 :).
ReplyDeleteGinny! Very glad I could make you chuckle!! That's the best!
AND NOW: Time to give props (clapping, smiling, clapping) to whoever it was at TLC that finally got the sneak peek video title for Haris Lender's Luv-A-Cuva changed!
If you're reading, thank you!